G20 windows possessed

geo3@earthlink.net geo3@earthlink.net
Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:17:14 -0500

OK, I did a quick search of the G20 Forum and the SE-R list archives but
didn't find this exact problem (or one close enough).  I'd search some
more, but I *have* to leave for a doctor's appt in the next 5 minutes.

Anyway, Kerry came out to the car at lunch and the driver's window was
down.  It wasn't down when she locked the car to go into work.  :-/

The glass is there and intact.

When she presses the button to raise the glass, nothing happens.

When she presses the button to lower the glass the motor runs and makes a
really nasty noise.

I'm familiar with the issue of the windows going up slowly, but this isn't
the problem.

I'm at work so I could only listen to the noise over the phone, but my best
guess is some sort of short that made the window go down and won't let it
go up.

Anybody experience this or have any ideas?

George Roffe