Homemade CAI

SE-R NUT sr20depwr@hotmail.com
Fri, 10 May 2002 10:36:12 -0500

I got a muffler shop to do my CAI if I want.  I might be buying a PRCAI
instead of this  but if for some reason the CAI deal falls through I will go
to the Shop.  Anyway.

They will use mandrel bent 3" piping.  I dont care about looks because I am
wraping it with header wrap so to keep my cool air cool.  My question is this.
I know that the PVC pipe is not a good idea.  What are the advantages of using
the custom made 3" rather than say a PR or a AEM or Hotshot?

I read the archives and found out not to make it out of PVC.  But nothign
really on mandrel bent exahust tubing.  Any thoughts?